Recently in Social Software Category


I've started using Plazes after some urging from Sean. I like the concept, seems like it could be much cooler than some of the other sites. Especially if people are using it at a conference or something. Then you could see other people who were physically around you.

The one problem I have? The Linux client kinda sucks. I noticed someone wrote an OSX client, so I looked to see how he figured it out and they sent him an API spec. I've requested the spec. I want to try and write a gnome-panel applet for this. I think that would be real neat. This could also be a real fun project for me. Both get me involved in Gnome more and to get my hacking skills up.

With a little help from my friends

With thanks to the folks in #joiito, I have now gained my access to orkut. Time to explore!


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