Recently in Metblogs Category

Rocco Deluca and The Burden

Go read my latest post over at Metroblogging Boston to see what I am up to on Friday (and so should you be)

More Metblogs

Sean sent out mail today that the MetBlogs family has two new members. Namely, Phoenix and Brimingham. Welcome!

Two More Cities!

The Metroblogging Universe continues to grow. Two more cities added: Karachi and Manila.

Latest Metroblogging Additions

The latest cities added to the Metroblogging Universe are Bangkok and Portland. A little late, but gotta get the information out. Now, I just need to return to my posting on Boston Metroblogging RSN.

Even more Metroblogging going on!

Today Tokyo, Houston, Toronto joined the Metblogs family. Welcome!

Even more Metblogs

A little late on my part, but two new cities have been added to the MEtroblogging family, New Orleans and Orlando. Welcome!


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