Missing Link

Oh my, I think I might have to start a Windows category.

I get pulled in to work on my friends' Windows machines CONSTANTLY. I'm the computer guy they know, so they call me whenever they have issues. One of the big ones recently seems to be the my computer has started to suck (well, it sucked to begin with, but has gotten even worse) calls. Most of the time, this means going in and installing all the latest software updates, cleaning off spyware and adware, setting up automatic updates, etc etc.

One of the biggest issues after doing all this is the lack of a free virus scanner. Most other pieces of the puzzle, I can get for free, but there is no free virus scanner out there. Well, until now. I finally have the missing link and it is ClamWin Free Antivirus. Yay!

This is released under the GPL and is free to download and use. I set it up on one of my Windows laptops at work and so far, it seems pretty good. Best feature thus far? E-mail alerts! This means, I could have my friends' machines send ME alerts when they get virii, so I could go work on their machines as soon as I see this :)

This is a huge step to make my life a little easier when I get stuck working on my friends' Windows machines. Thanks ClamAV team!


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