Stupid Spammers/Scammers

Got a whole bunch of these in my Inbox this morning:

Important notice

We have just charged your credit card for money laundry service in amount of $234.65 (because you are either child pornography webmaster or deal with dirty money, which require us to layndry them and then send to your checking account). If you feel this transaction was made by our mistake, please press "No".If you confirm this transaction, please press "Yes" and fill in the form below.

Enter your credit card number here:

Enter your credit card expiration date:

And below each of the two questions were boxes for me to fill in my credit card number and expiration date. Now, why would I have to do that, since they claim to have already charged my credit card? The funnier part to me? If you are going to try to scam me at least spell everything correctly!. Check out the spelling of laundry the second time they use it.


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