While we're on the subject ....

More idiots:

CNN.com - Vatican fights gay marriages - Jul. 31, 2003

Come on now. I mean, I was raised Catholic, was an altar boy, worked in the church for 4 years, hell, my Mom even teaches religion at a Catholic school these days, but this is freakin ridiculous. TWO YEARS writing a paper on why gay marriage is bad? How about 2 years writing a paper on why fucking little boys when you are a priest is bad? How about 2 years on why killing other people in the name of God is bad? There are plenty of much more appropriate topics these days to write papers on than why gay people are bad.

First off, they aren't! Secondly, why do you care? I think half the reason for this is so that half the priests don't leave the priesthood and go marry other guys. (And though this is a broad generalization, much of what I have seen first hand in priests makes me believe many many many of them are gay, to which I have no problem whatsoever with and neither should the Vatican.)

Next thing you know, Bush is going to be saying that his statements yesterday he was told by God and that's why he said them.

Ugh. Fuckin idiots ....


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