Vacation Time ...

Well, I am down on Long Island for the week for Christmas. Got down yesterday and will be here until next Saturday. Hopefully I will get some R&R while down here and it can manage to take my mind off some stuff going on in other parts of my life. I hope to even start some projects that have been festering in the back of my head for a while now. If I can get that going, I may find another outlet for my time, which would be much better than the damn TV. Stupid AT&T, why can't they install digital cable in my area, so I can get a TiVo (with what money, I don't know) and be able to save TV for the weekend and make my weeks more productive. More production is definitely in the cards for New Year's resolutions. I have a ton of them that I am thinking of. I will get them down here at some point before next week. Most of more vague than deadline type things. I am definitely not saying I will quit smoking at midnight, but I think I may say something like I will quit some time this year or something. Who knows? Well, I think I have caught up on the last few days goings on. Been a crazy few days, but in the end, good fun. Today was the laziest. Good to see my Giants win, rather sad to see my Patriots look like crap and seemingly have done a great job of getting themselves out of the playoffs. Argh. I don't need another Super Bowl victory, but at least a playoff birth would have been nice. Well, no stressing about football while on vacation, right? I think I am going to go have a quick smoke and hit my bed with my book. I'd like to try and finish it this week. (yeah, more reading will be in the cards for that resolution list as well).


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This page contains a single entry by Skadz published on December 23, 2002 12:44 AM.

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